Saturday, August 13, 2005

From the Benny Hinn Miracle Crusade at Vancouver last night:

It is done.

The front of the cross is salvation, the back is healing. We are saved by faith, and we are healed by faith. When Jesus died on the cross and rose again for us, He paid the price for our sin and sickness. Don't hold on to it.

There will be a great revival in North America, but Jesus will not be in it. If God is not in it, it's the devil. Beware!

Thursday, July 28, 2005

There was a car accident on my way home from work yesterday. I could see lights flashing from afar and silently mumbled to myself how I should had left the store earlier. As expected, the traffic turned into a crawl in less than a minute. An ambulance sped with the siren howling on the other side of the highway en route to our side to get to the scene. The clock in the car told me that I had been stuck on the highway for at least 10 minutes now. I was not happy and felt annoyed.

Finally the cars were moved to the side and the flow of cars resumed slowly. As I drove past the scene of the accident, a sense of guilt suddenly washed over me. This was a car accident! People could have died! Their souls might be lost forever! What if they did not know Christ?? I repented to the Lord then and there and prayed that those involved in the unfortunate event were safe. That they still have a chance to know God if they're not His Children already.

I was glad to see that the cars seemed to be in relatively good shape, and I sincerely hoped that the people were fine. May the Lord calms and comforts them, and embraces them with His love and mercy.

Friday, June 24, 2005

I am your child, Father. That's why whenever I return to You after straying away, I can say, "I am home." and You would welcome me with open arms and say, "Welcome home."

Father, please save them. Save their souls. This is my heart's cry -- Your heart's cry.

Monday, May 02, 2005

As a child, I loved to dream. Dreams of green fields and flowing streams, of animals running wild and birds flying free, of golden rice crops and grand forests, of sunshine and blue sky, of laughters and innocence.

As I grew up and learned more of the world and its people, I lost all feelings of happiness and love. Those images I painted out when I was little became all but distant memories, and I no longer believed.

Until I met Him, who gave me back my wings and dreams that I had forgotten long ago. That, and much more.

Because of Him, I have hopes again. Because of Him, I believe again. Because of Him, I can feel again. Because of Him, my dreams are not in vain. Because... He is weaving them with me until I see Him again.

-- edited from a spur of the moment thing I posted on the 5B2F guestbook, suddenly inspired by Yukimura's comment on how people stopped dreaming from Samurai Deeper Kyo

Sunday, November 07, 2004









Thursday, July 29, 2004

There is a saying that goes like this, or so I heard:

"How big is a human's heart?"
"Just a little bigger than the world." (never enough)

I'd say:

"How big is God's love for humans?"
"Just a little bigger than a human's heart." (more than enough)


Wednesday, July 28, 2004

"You doubted me."

That's what our GM said when he successfully grabbed a fax machine, piled over four other boxes, from the overs.

I knew I couldn't do it with the ladder, and I wasn't sure whether he would be able to reach it so I voiced my concern when I asked him. Being short little me and standing at the base of the ladder looking up, I misjudged the difficulty.

Isn't it the same a lot of the times with God, too? I often think something is not possible or doable because I can't do it, and therefore doubt that God can do it, forgetting the fact that God is not me. XP

So, to our GM and my God, "Sorry, I won't doubt you anymore." ^__^